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Sat Apr 20, 2024 @ 1:04pm

Captain Jason Faulkner

Name Jason Faulkner

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human-Vulcan
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 185 cm
Weight 86 kg
Hair Color Brown
Physical Description Jason is average height for a human and with a somewhat thick build. He has russet brown hair, which tends to be a bit wild when he hasn't combed it for more formal occasions. He's often got some scruff where he hasn't shaved. His ears a bit pointed.


Parents Mother: Atarah Faulkner
Bio Dad: Savred of Vulcan
Extended Family Uncle: Laodemus Swan
Uncle: Seizhi Swan

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jason has learned to project an air of careful confidence when acting as a commander. He's passionate about Starfleet's mission and the Federation's utopian project and has only grown more so after the war showed the alternatives to an egalitarian society. He's also a skilled and enthusiastic scientist and a somewhat more amateur student of comparative literature. He prefers to gather facts, consider options, and make plans whenever possible. He's gotten better at knowing when things need an immediate decision, but in such circumstances tends to fall back on the manual rather than innovating, something he's trying hard to get better at.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Cultural Knowledge
+ Sensors & Computing
+ More competent than he thinks he is

+/- War Veteran
+/- By The Book
+/- (Too) Curious

- Overthinks Things
- Less confident than he looks.
- Ruthless when pressed
Hobbies & Interests Collecting alien literature and media, especially pre-warp science fiction
White hat hacking
Big fan of weird space anomalies
Values Trying to connect and understand is always worthwhile.
Take joy in discovery.
Face facts as they are, not as we'd like them to be.
If violence isn't your last resort, you're not using enough.


Personal History Jason grew up on Fortitude, an idyllic Federation colony world on the rimward frontier, the sort of quiet yet lively place people retire to when they get tired of galavanting around the galaxy. He was born into an academically and space-minded family. His mother was a professor at the planet's first university. She studied anthropology, with a focus on comparative theology, mythology, and folklore. She had traveled much of the galaxy gathering knowledge from many cultures, but chose to settle down for a few decades to raise a family. His father was a xenobiologist who she met while in space and who came to Fortitude to study its ecosystem. Several of his relatives served in Starfleet, including an uncle who was a captain. Jason grew up hearing stories about their travels across the galaxy and was eager to do so as well. He excelled academically and was accepted to Starfleet Academy, where he primarily studied subspace and quantum mechanics, information science, and a bit of transporter theory.

Jason's early career was fairly average. His first posting was aboard USS Yokohama as the lead sensor systems officer, maintaining the old cruiser's increasingly creaky array of scanners and assisting with astrophysics studies. His next position was on USS Europa as assistant chief science office. With greater responsibility he got a chance to shine. One particular highlight was devising a way to tap into a near-warp planet's communications grid, allowing the ship to record and analyze mass media, social networks, and many government communications without having to approach close enough to risk detection. This would play a key role in navigating first contact with the non-unified world and earn Jason a commendation.

On May 12, 2256, Jason was in the command information center when Europa arrived at the Battle of the Binary Stars. This happenstance was the reason why he survived when the ship was rammed by a cloaked Klingon "cleave ship", which carved the saucer section in half. He and the other CIC were barely able to reach the escape pods before the ship self-destructed.

Jason would transfer to USS Challenger shortly after, as Starfleet was forced to waive the usual recovery time that would follow a ship's destruction. Initially he served as chief science officer. The sixteen months of the Klingon War were filled with constant stress and overwork. As a Constitution-class ship, Challenger was often at the front lines or on high-risk independent missions. His expertise with sensor systems made him a perfect fit for managing the ship's science department in wartime, when there was more emphasis on electronic warfare, evading Klingon detection and finding them in turn, and analyzing signals intercepts. A few months into the conflict Jason was promoted to executive officer. He learned up close from the captain how to run a ship, as well as how to deal with situations that lacked the sort of clear answers that came with physics. Even after the war ended, he remained aboard until the end of the ship's interrupted five-year mission as things very slowly got back to normal. Following that, he spent a brief time in mandatory shore duty in order to recuperate from such a long period in space.

In 2260, Jason was offered command of the USS Blackbird, a Wasp-class scout destroyer assigned to scouting along the border zones. Despite technically being a more combat-oriented vessel, the scouting role was a good fit for his knowledge of subspace physics, sensors, and comparative starship design. His ship spent a lot of time alternating between lurking in space watching for trouble and running around at top speed to respond to crises. Piracy was a particular problem, and later supposedly-unsanctioned raids by minor Klingon houses resumed as well. However, this was also a chance to engage in diplomatic missions to independent colonies and non-aligned worlds that now were weighing the value of Federation membership. In many cases, missions traditionally handled by heavy cruisers or explorers had to be transferred to smaller ships and the sector admiral repeatedly gave these to Jason as he gained a reputation for bridging information and understanding gaps. Actual combat missions proved trickier; Jason was well-versed in tactical theory but often struggled to come up with novel solutions when standard methods fell short.

The Blackbird would be recalled in 2064 for a much-needed refit, as the demands of the missions had put considerable strain on the ship's single engine. Jason would take another short period of shore duty, splitting time between wargaming at Starfleet Tactical and Starfleet Academy as a guest instructor. This was partly to help spread knowledge between officers and also a chance for Starfleet to evaluate him for further promotion. Eventually, he would be appointed to return to USS Challenger, this time as its captain.

Service Record 2246 - 2250: Starfleet Academy
2250 - 2253: Sensors Officer, USS Yokohama
2253 - May 2256: Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS Europa
June 2256 - September 2256: Chief Science Officer, USS Challenger
September 2256 - October 2258: Executive Officer, USS Challenger
2258 - 2260: Starfleet Headquarters, Special Review Board
2260 - 2264: Commanding Officer, USS Blackbird
2265 - 2266: Starfleet Tactical, Prograde Development Division
2266: Commanding Officer, USS Challenger

Grankite Order of Tactics
Star Cross
Cochrane Medal of Excellence
Shival Award for Scientific Merit