
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sat Apr 20, 2024 @ 1:04pm

Lieutenant JG Adrian Hayes

Name Adrian Hayes

Position Chief Helmsman

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 178 cm (5’10”)
Weight 68 kg (150 lbs)
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


  • Philip Hayes (deceased)
  • Melody Hayes (deceased)
  • Siblings
  • Sophia Hayes
  • Cameron Hayes
  • Extended Family
  • George Taylor (maternal grandfather)
  • Evelyn Taylor (maternal grandmother)

  • Personality & Traits

    General Overview Hayes is a kind, compassionate young man who, despite the rather traumatic experience he had as a youth, has managed to emerge with a fairly positive outlook on life. As a matter of fact, it is because of his experience (and the second chance he feels he was given at life) that he is so committed not only to fulfilling his own purpose, but helping others do the same.
    Strengths & Weaknesses Most who’ve interacted with Hayes have found him to be a friendly, approachable individual who is more than willing to provide a listening presence. However, this openness often is one-way in that Hayes is slow to open up about himself with others. Consequently, though he has many acquaintances, the number of people in his closest circle of friends remains relatively small.

    His experience as a teenage civilian caught up in the Klingon War has left him with scars both visible and invisible. While it contributed to his decision to join Starfleet and continually inspires him to reach and move forward, he also feels under pressure not to waste this second chance and to make every moment count for something. At times, this can cause him to be much harder on himself and to second guess whether he really did all that he could or if there was some way he could have done better.
    Hobbies & Interests
  • astronomy/stargazing
  • wilderness survival/emerg. response
  • martial arts
  • sketching/drawing
  • people-watching
  • reading

  • History

    Personal History Adrian Hayes was born 10 February 2242 on a remote Federation research outpost to scientists Melody and Philip Hayes. He was the oldest, not only within his own family but all the children of the outpost. As such, it often fell to him to help keep an eye on and corral the others so their parents’ could focus on the work. This took on even greater importance, however, when their outpost was attacked shortly after the start of the Klingon War.

    Starfleet quickly realized they did not have enough resources to both engage the Klingon fleets and protect every frontier world, and so a ship was sent to evacuate the outpost ahead of the Klingons’ advance. Unfortunately, the ship was caught in an ambush and destroyed before it could get to them. In a desperate attempt to protect their children, the scientists sent them into the rugged wilderness to hide. Hayes’ parents made him promise to watch out for the others and assured him they would find them once the Klingons had gone.

    Minutes turned into hours, and hours into days. Hayes soon realized their parents would not be coming for them. Instead, they continued to hide out in the wilderness, constantly moving to keep away from roving Klingon raiding parties. Days turned into weeks. Exhaustion, the elements, and malnutrition took its toll on all of them. But just when it seemed they were about to give up hope, they were found by a Starfleet landing party that had come to investigate the disappearance of the outpost.

    The experience had a lasting effect on all of them, Hayes included. He and his younger siblings were taken back to Earth and reunited with their parents’ relatives. They were enrolled in public schooling and in individual counseling to help them deal with the trauma of all they went through in the wilderness, which Hayes took to surprisingly well (so much so that he continued to meet with his counselor long after the mandated sessions were over).

    When the time came for Hayes to start thinking about what he wanted to do with his life, there was no question. He was certain he wanted to pursue a career in Starfleet. Not only was inspired by the crew who rescued them and returned them to their family, he also felt service in Starfleet offered an opportunity to get away and discover new things out among the stars.

    Hayes applied for and was accepted into the astrophysics and starship navigation program at Starfleet Academy on Earth. He arrived on campus to begin his studies in the summer of 2260. In addition to performing well academically, Hayes proved adept at connecting with and encouraging his fellow students. He sought additional training in wilderness survival and emergency response (a result, no doubt, of his own past experience). He also served two field assignments, one aboard the Michoacán and the other aboard the Mukai.

    His performance during both tours contributed greatly to his being assigned to flight department aboard the Khawlah following graduation. There, he had the opportunity to not only demonstrate existing skills, but also to expand them through the mentorship of his supervising officers. He very quickly moved up the duty roster to serving primary shifts on the bridge and was given responsibility for helping mentor cadets and other trainees.

    By 2266, Hayes had been promoted to Lieutenant JG and assigned to the Challenger as chief helmsman.
    Service Record CDT | Astrophysics & Starship Navigation | Starfleet Academy (Earth campus) (2260-2264)
    - Field Assignment (Location TBD) (2261)
    - Field Assignment, USS Michoacán (Cardenas class) (2262-2263)
    - Field Assignment, USS Mukai (Shepherd class) (2263-2264)

    ENS | Helmsman | USS Khawlah (Bellerophon class) (2264-2266)

    LTJG | Chief Helmsman | USS Challenger (Constitution class) (2266-Present)