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Mon May 6, 2024 @ 11:34am

Ensign Percival Vega

Name Percival Vega

Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Orion
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 184 cm
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Percy is tall and has an athletic build, thanks to years on the Academy soccer team. He has dusky skin and black hair, both tinged green.


Parents Mirai Vega - mother

Personality & Traits

General Overview Percy is not the smartest person in Starfleet, but he makes do through a combination of bull-headed determination and the power of friendship.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Languages
+ Spatial Reasoning
+ Practical Engineering
- Advanced Math
- Xenobiology
Hobbies & Interests Soccer
Low-Gravity Acrobatics
Values - Freedom is a right of all sapient beings.
- Anything is possible through cooperation!
- When it doubt, try percussive maintenance.


Personal History Percival Vega was raised in Tycho City, Luna. His stepfather is a botanist in the city gardens. His mother is a programmer and a refugee from the Orion world of Alukk. She was formerly an enslaved person and helped organize a revolt aboard an Orion ship, all while heavily pregnant. Percy is named for the starship, USS Percival, which found them in deep space and helped them escape from a pursuing raider. He was born aboard the ship while it was returning to the nearest Fleet base. Mirai would eventually settle in a small Orion expatriate community on Luna where she married and had a family.

Like many second-generation immigrants, Percy sometimes struggles with his ties between his birth home and his cultural origins. While Earth and Luna famously have the largest populations of non-native species, thanks to Sol's role as the capital of the Federation, the tiny Orion community is a minority of a minority. Maintaining a distinct sense of culture was difficult, especially when they fled many aspects of that culture, and his status as half human further separated him from many of his peers.

After graduating secondary school, Percy joined Starfleet, narrowly managing to get past the entrance exams for the Academy. His main academic focus was on technology, and he did especially well on the practical portions, although many of the theoretical and math courses beat him around the head. He also excelled at piloting, as well as planning and management. He was captain of the academy soccer team during his senior year. He graduated in the middle of his class, dragged down by his arch-enemies quantum mechanics and temporal physics, but was satisfied regardless. In his view, someone had to be statistically in that range, and even the last-ranked person was still a graduate of Starfleet Academy.

USS Challenger is Percy's first permanent posting outside of the Academy. His assignment to a Constitution-class starship was a surprise. He worries that it's because of family connections, and isn't entirely wrong, but his file includes several letters of recommendation from his instructors and his exceptional scores on practical skills is a potential asset on an exploration ship.