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Mon Apr 29, 2024 @ 2:57pm

Lieutenant JG Francis Rossi

Name Francis Jacob Rossi

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9
Weight 168lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Francis is athletic and well built. He occasionally sports facial hair but keeps it within regulation.


Spouses No spouses.
Children No children
Parents Lisa Rossi (Deceased)
Frank (Father)
Siblings David (brother)
Alexander (brother)
Joshua (brother)
Carmen (sister)
Angela (sister)
Extended Family Ava Rossi (Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Francis is driven by strong sense of duty and responsibility. He is not afraid to break the rules to get the job done, something he learned from the fire service. He’s always willing to take care of the people around him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Francis is duty driven, responsible, and loyal. He is willing to break the rules to get the job done, althogh will exhaust all attempts to follow those rules before that happens. He’s also very loyal, something that he picked up from both his parents being in the fire service.
Hobbies & Interests Engineering, reading, learning about ancient cultures of the Federation.


Personal History Francis was born to Lisa and Frank Rossi. He’s the second oldes of his siblings and was born on Tycho City. Growing up, Francis, like the rest of his siblings spent a great deal of time around Tycho City’s Fire and Rescue department, where both his parents worked. From the start, Francis was both an intelligent and athletic child. During his teen years, he would often utilize rescue stations training courses.

Francis did well in high school and once he graduated he followed in his parent’s footsteps, joining the fire and rescue department. While on the department, Francis was also trained as a paramedic. Francis loved his life working for ht rescue department. Everything was going fine until he and his mother was dispatched to a laboratory fire on Tycho City.

During the attempted evacuation of the facility, something went wrong, trapping Francis and Lisa inside. Lisa managed override the door controls and shoved Francis to safety and then sealed herself back inside, which stopped the explosion from destroying the rest of the facility.

Francis recovered physically but experienced a great deal of emotional trauma. After three years, he retired from the rescue department. His father blamed him for the loss of his mother and from running from his demons. The rest of his family tried to convince him to stay but Francis left and spent a year traveling around the galaxy.

While visiting Deep Space K-12, Francis was instrumental in helping rescue several Starfleet Officers who had gotten caught in the maintenance levels after the station was hit by a sudden ion storm. Afterwards, Francis decided to apply for Starfleet academy and was accepted.

He excelled at the engineering and operations courses at the academy, though fell behind in his science courses somewhat. While attending the academy, Francis joined the academy swim team. He was also active in student government. He graduated near the top of his class.
Service Record Francis’s first assignment was actually aboard K-12, working in the engineering department. While on the station he was responsible for increasing shield strength and increasing tractor beam systems. He spent two yeas on K-12 before being transferred to the USS Carolina, as assistant chief engineer.

While on the Carolina, Francis made several friends and finally started to feel like he was fitting in. While patrolling the neutral zone border, the Carolina entered a plasma storm. While attempting to navigate the storm, the ship was heavily damaged, resulting in the entire bridge being decompressed. Francis managed to rewire the control circuits to engineering. With the help of some junior officers, they were able to steer the Carolina out of storm and call for help.

After being being picked up by Starfleet, he was taken back to K-12 to rest and recover. After a few months off, he was transferred to the USS Challenger as her new chief engineer.