Checking In and Checking Up
Posted on Sat Aug 12, 2023 @ 12:02pm by Lieutenant Elijah Cooper & Lieutenant Amon Narud
613 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Sickbay
Elijah was not one to shy away from his duties, even the dreaded physical by the ship's chief medical officer. He took excellent care of his body, so he never really worried about the formalities of such things. After finishing a diagnostic on the forward targeting scanners, he went to sickbay.
Once he dropped his duffle bag in his quarters. Amon had spent at least 10 minutes digging through his bag and took a few of his belongings that are delicate out. He had left them on the bed so they don't get damaged before he exited, he decided to unpack all this later and probably just before he went to sleep.
Amon returned to Sickbay, a minute after a red shirt he will soon know as Lieutenant Cooper entered, he passed the officer and smiled over his shoulder. "Hello Lieutenant, how may I help you?" Amon asked as he grabbed a nearby Medical tricorder.
"Just here for an official physical," Elijah said.
"Excellent," Amon gestured to the biobed he went to and patted the bed's soft padding, "please sit down," he opens the tricorder and pulls out the handheld scanner.
Elijah did as he was told and sat on the biobed. "Is this your first posting on a ship this big?"
“No,” Amon replied with a somewhat tight smile, he tried not to recall his trauma but the smile loosened as he picked memories from his other assignments and focused on his scans.
"Seems pretty impressive so far," Elijah said. "Have you met any of the other department heads yet?"
"I take it this is the first time you have been assigned to a Constitution-class?" Amon asked with a small half smile.
Elijah nodded. "Yes sir, I was on a Saladin class before, much smaller ship and not nearly as advanced."
"And I've only met the Captain so far, unless you are a Senior Officer?" Amon asked half jokingly.
"Chief Tactical/Security officer," Elijah said. "Guess I still don't look the part."
"A pleasure to meet you." Amon said then smiled. "Well unless there's a Senior Officer type insignia there's really no telling so don't be sad." He continued the scans one after the other and checked the results on the medical display by the bed. Everything so far was good.
"I guess I should chalk it up to youthful good looks, right?" Elijah asked.
Slightly not listening as he programmed the last set of scan parameters, Amon replied with a, "yup," as he worked. A moment later, performed the scans. He adjusted the medical display to have the Lieutenant's medical file comparisons scrolling beside the scans results.
Soon all the scans were completed. A chirp sounded to confirm. Amon smiled, "well Lieutenant, you are good to go." He said and packed away the sensor into the medical tricorder, medcorder as he'd like to call them, and set it aside. "Thank you for coming to me on your own," he said and noticed the jar of sweets he'd replicated and dropped it off. He went over to it and returned with it in both hands. "Have a sweet for being a good boy," Amon joked with a smile.
"Don't mind if I do doc," Elijah said, grabbing one. "See ya around."
"Lieutenant, I think I may need to book a weapons certification updater with you before we depart. Does one do a refresher course?" Amon asked with a concern expression.
"I'm sure we can arrange that," Elijah said. "Shoot me a message and I'll see if I can clear a few hours in my schedule."
"It's more when you are available," Amon said with a chuckle.
"Good point, see ya soon doc."