Created by Captain Jason Faulkner on Fri Jun 23, 2023 @ 2:32pm
General Equipment
All crew are issued a personal communicator. While bulkier and less complicated than the commercial personal comms available for civilian use, Starfleet communicators are rugged enough to survive under harsh conditions and stand up to considerable physical abuse. They also are capable of broadcasting much further without supporting infrastructure. Typical range is 300 kilometers on a M-class planet, depending on intervening obstacles, or up to 300,000 kilometers if the receiver is at least a shuttle-class communications array. Communicators also include built-in translator functions.

Tricoders are standard issue for all members of the science and technical divisions, and additional tricorders may be drawn from stores as needed for away teams or on-ship use. These multi-purpose scanners have a number of built-in sensors. Specialized hand scanners can add additional features, such as engineering- or medical-specific functions. Tricorders can record full 3D visual information. At short range they can automatically upload to the ship, or relay through a communicator. As with communicators, their advanced function is somewhat hidden behind a bulky exterior designed to withstand heavy abuse and volatile environments.

Personal Defense Items
Type-I Hand Phaser'
A Phaser-1 is a small backup weapon that fits neatly into the human hand. While it is much shorter ranged and has a smaller battery than a standard phaser, it is easily concealed and still has the most important functions. Power settings are limited to 1-8, but this includes all stun and heat functions, plus two lethal settings. The Phaser-1 is integrated into the Phaser-2.
Type-2 Phaser Pistol
Starfleet's standard self-defense sidearm is the Type II phaser. This device functions not only as a weapon but a useful tool. There are up to sixteen beam intensity settings, but they are pre-programmed for Stun, Kill, Heat, and Disrupt settings. Additional settings allow the variation of beam or pulse duration and spread. All security crew carry these on a regular basis, and other crew may do so with permission of their department heads unless contradicted by their work environment.

Type-III Phaser Rifle
Starfleet's enhanced personal tactical weapon is the Phaser-III rifle. This is typically issued to security personnel, or when landing parties may need additional power. A phaser rifle provides much greater range due to superior beam focus, better auto-targeting, significantly improved cooling for longer use, and very large battery packs that largely obviate the need to reload. They can also provide a more powerful beam, useful for cutting through heavy obstacles. Because of their threatening nature and overkill for most situations, phaser rifles are typically only issued when a situation clearly calls for enhanced defensive measures.

Starfleet is transitioning to a new style of uniform. This three-piece style, consisting of colored overshirt, black undershirt, and trousers, is a simple design intended to be comfortable while clearly indicating a person's role aboard the ship. A version with a single skirt or tunic is also available. These uniforms use advanced fibers designed to remain clean and reduce odors even during long work hours and include smart heating/cooling elements to allow wearers to remain comfortable in many environments. There are also exercise clothing, utility jumpsuits, and a variety of jackets and vests available for specialized circumstances.

All photos are resized from images found on TrekCore, with the schematics pulled from the Star Trek Adventures "Discovery" sourcebook.
Categories: Operations