USS Challenger NCC-1715

"Space must have seemed a whole lot bigger back then. It's not surprising they had to bend the rules a little. They were a little slower to invoke the Prime Directive, and a little quicker to pull their phasers. Of course, the whole bunch of them would be booted out of Starfleet today."
- Captain Kathryn Janeway

USS Challenger is a Constitution-class starship beginning a five-year mission in 2266. There may be a few shakedown bugs still in the system and the class is getting a little long in the tooth, but once you look past her quirks she's still built to venture past the frontier. The same goes for the crew: a mix of young guns, second chancers, and oddballs looking to prove that they've got what it takes to carry out Starfleet's mission of exploration and discovery.

Join us as we investigate ancient mysteries, delve into strange scientific phenomena, and occasionally get our shirts ripped.

Year: 2266

Game Rating

Current Mission:

One Giant Kaboom for Kerbkind - A simple pre-first contact observation mission goes wrong when the crew realize that a planet's first warp mission is about to get explosive. Can they balance saving lives against the Prime Directive?

Pegasus Fleet Community

This game is a proud member of Pegasus Fleet, an online Star Trek fan community dedicated to fun, inclusive roleplaying. No matter how much experience you have playing, what sort of sim you're looking for, or how new you are to Trek, there's a spot for you. Please check out our fellow games or drop in to the forums and Discord.

Latest News Items

» Happy New Year!

Posted on Sun Dec 31, 2023 @ 12:03pm by Captain Jason Faulkner in General News

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! I'm looking forwarding to continuing to write with you all in 2024. I know with holidays, weather and power issues, and some heavy work schedules things slowed down a bit, but I'm hoping we'll get going again with the new month and new year. Thanks for all your contributions in getting us this far!

» August Update

Posted on Mon Aug 7, 2023 @ 6:05pm by Captain Jason Faulkner in General News

Hey all, I just wanted to give you a start(ish) of the month update. I'm really happy to see that there's some JPs going on and posts being made. I'm still trying to recruit at least one more member before we start a more plot-oriented mission, but until then I'm going to try to put up some prompts for what you could be doing during the shakedown period. In the meantime, keep up the good work!

» Another early July Update

Posted on Wed Jul 5, 2023 @ 6:37pm by Captain Jason Faulkner in General News

First off, please welcome our new Chief Helmsman, Lt JG Adrian Hayes. He is played by Doug, who has many other Pegasus Fleet roles.

Second, I may be the only one who's noticed this, but there is something funky going on with the "order by timeline" extension, where it's not saving the IC day and time of the post. It may or may not be related to the drop-down to choose the mission on a post being so small. For now I've switched back to the Nova default while I seek help from the devs. Please let me know if you spot any other issues around the site.



» July 1 Update

Posted on Sat Jul 1, 2023 @ 10:31am by Captain Jason Faulkner in General News

Good morning,

It's the start of the month and so I have opened up the current mission so we can begin some posting! For the moment we've got a typical prelude mission open, with the ship doing some shakedown maneuvers before we start our first proper mission.

The site should be fully set up now. Please bring any typos or other issues to my attention. I have upgraded to latest version of Nova and while I stuck to extensions that I've tried on a test site or are approved for this version, a few bugs may pop up.

At the moment, besides myself we have two characters. Amon Narud is our returning medical officer, while our tactical officer Eli Cooper is played by the former XO. I am waiting to hear back from the last Omaha player whether he's still interested and I will also be putting out recruiting posts this weekend. In the meantime, we can get started with some posts.

Thanks and have fun!


» Please Excuse the Mess

Posted on Sat Jun 24, 2023 @ 9:10am by Captain Jason Faulkner in General News

Hello to anyone out there. Please excuse if there's a little mess, I just got the site up and running last night and am still working on some pages, as well as adding players and characters. Thank you!

Latest Mission Posts

» Approaches, Astrogation, and Artillery

Mission: One Giant Kaboom
Posted on Sun Jun 30, 2024 @ 6:37pm by Captain Jason Faulkner & Lieutenant Elijah Cooper & Lieutenant JG Adrian Hayes & Lieutenant JG Francis Rossi

The astrometric and stellar cartography lab was one of the larger rooms of the ship, located a couple of decks below the bridge towards the rear of the upper teardrop. It was dominated by a circular table that was also a holographic projector - a good one, without the tendency…

» Fancy Meeting You Here

Mission: One Giant Kaboom
Posted on Mon May 6, 2024 @ 11:34am by Ensign Percival Vega & Ensign Zayde Park

Zayde had spent the last six hours crawling through the Jefferies Tubes, attempting to track down the source of not one, but two circuit burnouts and three EPS overloads. Luckily, the systems affected were nothing more than convenience; food synthizers and whatnot. Thankfully, the ship stayed at warp as they…

» Working Out Some Kinks

Mission: One Giant Kaboom
Posted on Mon Apr 29, 2024 @ 2:57pm by Ensign Zayde Park & Lieutenant JG Francis Rossi

Francis inhaled deeply, looked around, and then smiled. As soon as he joined Starfleet, he realized that he wanted this someday, an engine of his own to look over. The warp core was thrumming strongly in the background, making Francis smile. He walked down a ladder, nodding to several junior…

» Exploration Embarkation

Mission: One Giant Kaboom
Posted on Sat Apr 20, 2024 @ 1:04pm by Captain Jason Faulkner & Lieutenant Elijah Cooper & Lieutenant Amon Narud & Lieutenant JG Adrian Hayes

Faulkner thought that it would have been nice for the ship's first mission to begin bright and early in the morning, with its intrepid crew setting sail with the dawn. Sadly, not only was dawn not really much of a thing on a space station that entered and exited its…

» The New Girl

Mission: One Giant Kaboom
Posted on Tue Apr 16, 2024 @ 11:02pm by Lieutenant Elijah Cooper

Elijah had just finished up with the latest round or phase tests with the operations department when the doors to the range slid open again. He looked down at his PADD; he could have sworn operations was his last group for the day.When he looked up he saw an ensign…